Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Law and Divorce... a different perspective.

Thanks to Craig Bennet, who responded to my previous post about divorce, by sending me the following link, to a VERY interesting theological article, by David Instone-Brewer, in Christianity Today, about the Biblical teaching on divorce.  Like so many things, it's not the teaching I grew up with!!  It confirms the gut feeling I and many others have had, that a God of justice and compassion could not possibly require people to stay in entrenched, hopeless, lifeless situations of any kind!

Anyway, for those who are interested:  What God has Joined Together

I could say more... but right now I'm just ready to go and weep a few tears of relief!

Thanks, Craig - God sent your words at just the right time!!


  1. Hi Kerry.

    I don't believe there is anything as soul destroying as divorce and separation. God knows all there is about you and knew the day you married that you would go through all you went through...and yet he still called you to himself...and we are promised that God will never leave us nor forsake us.

  2. Hi Craig.

    Actually, from my perspective, the situation I'm leaving was soul-destroying. What is happening now is not exactly easy, but I feel it is very much a healthy step forward.

    Thanks so much for your very timely words yesterday. I know they were God-sent!!

    It's good to be back in touch!

  3. My Second Mum's first husband took off and could not be found (I think in the 1950's). Eventually divorce happened, and Dad married her, and a new love was formed. If this had not happened who knows where I and our family would be today, because she has work so hard (along with dad) to raise us up proper like. So Dad went to Stanwell park Bible College so became a Pastor, but some Churches would not allow him to be a Pastor because of this doctrine. So what Craig Bennett is saying really means a lot to me, as it puts a whole new perspective on my understanding of these things.

  4. Thank you for sharing that, Mark!

    Makes me reflect on how many times in my life I have done things that were completely opposed to love and freedom, because it was "against the rules" & I felt compelled to uphold the "party line".

    Like you, I found the Instone-Brewer article really eye-opening! It fits with the character of Jesus, whose "burden is light" that his way brings such a sigh of relief!!


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